Support Parameters Meanings in 3D Printing

Adding supports onto your 3D model is an extremely important step as it provides stability to the model, especially when overhanging and bridges are present. Supports are also needed to anchor your 3D print onto the building plate. Each CHITUBOX setting is explained below: 

Z Lift Height

This refers to the distance between the 3D model and the building plate.


  1. Contact Shape: There are two options: Sphere and None. The sphere contact shape will add a sphere at the tip of the supports, which will increase the contact area between the print and the support. We recommend choosing None.
  2. Contact Diameter (mm): This value will change the size of the Sphere. If you choose None as your contact shape, your settings will not be affected.
  3. Contact Depth (mm): Contact depth indicates how deep the contact point will be inserted into the 3D model. 
  4. Connection Shape: CHITUBOX offers cone, pyramid, and skate as your Connection Shape. These don’t have any significant differences.
  5. Upper Diameter: This refers to the tip of the support. The thicker the upper diameter, the stronger the support will be. 
  6. Lower Diameter: This refers to the diameter of the bottom-top part. Make sure the middle diameter and lower diameter are set at the same value. 
  7. Connection Length: This feature allows users to customize the connection length.


  1. Shape: Shapes offered by CHITUBOX include cylinder, cube, and prism. These don’t have any significant differences. Cylinder is set as the system default.
  2. Diameter (mm): This refers to the main part of the support. Make sure the diameter and the lower diameter of the top are set at the same value. 
  3. Angle (°): The angle between the top and middle parts of the support.


  1. Platform Touch Shape: Five types of bottom shapes are available on CHITUBOX: Skate, Cone, Cube, Cylinder, and Prism. 
  2. Touch Diameter (mm): This refers to the size of the platform touch shape. This will also enhance your building plate adhesion.
  3. Thickness: How thick the platform touch shape will be. 
  4. Model Contact Shape: There are two options: Sphere and None. The value chosen will adjust the supports that connect to the 3D model. 
  5. Contact Diameter (mm): This value will change the size of the Sphere. If you choose None as your contact shape, your settings will not be affected.
  6. Contact Depth (mm): Determines how deep the support will be inserted into the model.
  7. Contact Point: The number of connection points for the supports that connect to the model.


  1. Raft Shape: This refers to the first few layers that are attached to the building plate. This helps to improve adhesion to the 3D model and makes it easier for users to remove 3D prints from the building plate during post-processing. 
  2. Raft Area Ratio (%): Size of the raft.
  3. Raft Thickness: How thick the raft will be. 
  4. Raft Height (mm): The height of the raft. Set the value slightly higher than the raft thickness so that prints can be easily removed from the building plate. 
  5. Raft Slope (°): This refers to the angle of the raft edge; this will help remove the model from the building plate during post-processing.

